Language Decolonization of Scriptures

 Language Decolonization of Scriptures


A lot of English-language Bible dummies don't even know why there's a Strong concordance between the Holy Scriptures. If the English language was perfect, then there would be no need for such. You want people to learn an already confused language, so they can earn degrees in confusion. Sorry, I am not in any way attacking English language teachers, don't take offence because you did not invent the English language, you only learnt English due to colonial influences.

English still violates its principles. They'll tell you to use simple words in expression, but 60% of words English language are concatenated.

The world as it is, if anyone with enough power conquers your territory, you'll be forced to communicate in their language be it gibberish, you don't have any choice at that point. All your generations born and unborn would cower to colonizer gibberish language.

Please DECOLONIZE yourselves for the good of the generation that precedes you, or else the hand of your colonizer remains heavy upon your heads.

If Peter who sat with Christ till death and resurrection, still claimed some of Paul's letters were difficult to understand, how come you are now authorities on explaining Paul's epistles?

You are watching English language movies, they want to summon powers, then they start speaking another language. That is enough message passed to you viewers that the English language is not a language of power or for seeking and understanding deep truths.

You've been reading all my messages trying to understand them in pony English; a language that your colonizers cannot use to summon spiritual entities in Harry Potter.

Sometimes sit down humble yourself and accept you have been fooled for decades. You think when Elijah commanded fire to consume soldiers in the Holy Scriptures, he was praying to die by fire.

The English language was used to adulterate the power of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Scriptures. You cannot use inconsequential English language to understand 1st class Wisdom. 
